Evidence of what voting according to beliefs might deliver in St Ives constituency On May 7 2015. Visit http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/2015guide/stives/ for a history, with numbers, for this seat. The past is the best predictor of the future so either Andrew George or the Tory candidate will be the M.P on Friday 8 May. On the door step, theRead More »
Make sure your vote counts whilst also registering your vote according to your beliefs could just be possible. If in your constituency the party you want to vote for is not in the running and voting tactically does not appeal then here is another idea worth exploring. Swap My Vote Visit www.swapmyvote.uk/ Make your voteRead More »
Vote according to belief or tactically will be a question in the minds of some voters. Perhaps the supplimentary question is what would achieve the best outcome? Interestingly, if we had changed our voting system to one of proportional representation the answer to this question would be simple – ‘belief’, every time. As we areRead More »