Once again, each Cornwall Councillor has £2,000 to support local projects. Projects must be properly constituted groups with bank accounts. Purley religious or Political projects cannot receive funding.
So, if you have a project that could make a real difference to our community then let me know. I’m going to give priority to projects building collaborations or taking steps to make space for nature. This is recognition of the divisive issues over recent times and the loss of so many creatures, worsening through Climate Change. So, up until December 2019, if applying for more than £100, your application will have to show how it meets my priority. Application up to £100 can be for any project that helps residents living in and around St Just and Pendeen.
To apply, email and in the email state VERY BRIEFLY what your project hopes to achieve and who it will benefit and an idea of amount of money you need. Also in the email, give consent to pass your contact details to the Council Officer who will send you an application form and process your application. The form is quite simple and the process does not normally take more then a month or so.
This year I used my Community Chest grant to support many local projects, including The Centre of Pendeen, the churchyards in St Just and Pendeen, allotments at Bosavern Community Farm, and St Just Parent and Toddler Group. I also supported the International Male Choral event that will again be coming to St Just this year, a nature project for children, through Cornwall Wildlife Trust and an educational book about plastics polluting our oceans for both our primary schools.
Applicants Guidance: 2017-18 Community Chest Applicant Guidance
1. Community Chest Summary
This is a brief summary of the Community Chest scheme:
- Each Cornwall Councillor has a small grant allocation – the “Community Chest” – to assist projects run by not for profit groups in their Electoral Division.
- The individual allocation per Councillor is £2000. The total budget is £246k.
- The scheme is administered by the Localism team.
The basic process is as follows:
- The applicant contacts the Councillor seeking their in principle support for their project (if the Councillor wishes to support the project, and has sufficient funds, Localism sends the applicant an application form)
- The applicant reads the guidance (available on-line, with the Localism team available to answer any queries)
- The applicant sends in their completed application form. Localism checks the form to ensure it meets the guidance. The Councillor is asked formally to approve the grant. Localism then pays the grant, providing sufficient funds are available.
- Applications/enquiries can be made at any time during the year, up until the closing date of 16 February 2018. We would like to encourage applicants to apply at an early stage, so that the benefits of the Community Chest can be felt as soon as possible; the intention of the closing date is really just to ensure that the “final few” applications are submitted, and can be paid, by year end.
2. Cornwall Council Crowdfunding Pilot (going live in October 2017)
Following exploratory discussions during the last administration, Cornwall Council is to operate its own Crowdfunding Platform on a pilot basis for one year. The arrangements for this, including the appointment of a specialist provider to run the pilot, are currently being finalised with a view to the platform being designed and implemented next month. Further guidance on crowdfunding will be provided in due to course to all Members.
As part of the pilot, it is intended to give Cornwall Councillors the opportunity to allocate some or all their Community Chest to support crowdfunding schemes. This provides the following options:
- If a Councillor supported a particular project serving their local area, they could ask that it be publicised on the Cornwall Council Crowdfunding Platform. The project would then be publicised on the Platform, with residents/ businesses (the “crowd”) asked to pledge their own donations to the project. The Councillor would pledge an amount from their Community Chest to support the project once an agreed match fund target is achieved. The pledges from the Councillor and the crowd would be payable once the total pledges reached a pre-defined target amount.
- Councillors could use their Community Chest to support other crowdfunding projects, including those sponsored by other Cornwall Councillors on the Cornwall Council Crowdfunding Platform. This would allow Councillors to work together to support projects in neighbouring divisions, plus Community Network Area-wide and Cornwall-wide projects.
- Councillors could choose to allocate part, or all, of their Community Chest through the Crowdfunding Platform. In this case, the fund amount would be advertised and projects invited to apply. As long as the project met the Community Chest guidance, was supported by the Councillor, and was within the correct divisional area, the project would then be floated on the Platform in order to attract funding pledges via the “crowd”. Once an agreed match fund had been reached, the Councillor could then release their funds to the project.
Cllr Sue James has agreed to place half her allocation through Crowdfunder.
Environmental Growth Seed Fund
It has also been agreed to allocate the Environmental Growth Seed Fund (£10,000) via the Cornwall Council Crowdfunding Platform. So, if you are part of a not-for-profit group with some land and you want to grow nature, support wildlife and increase access to wonderfully diverse open spaces, apply for funds now!
work is ongoing to identify other potential funds that might be aligned, in whole or part, via a crowdfunding approach. Councillors would be able to make pledges to projects applying for these other funds.
The Crowdfunding Pilot General Principles
- Use of a digital crowdfunding solution which matches projects to funds; provides compliance checks, and holds and distributes funds.
- Marketing, coaching and advice to help attract and support projects
- Evaluation to monitor progress, enhance learning and build a picture of the social impact created.
The benefits of the Crowdfunding approach include:
- Ability to stretch funds further by seeking funding from the “crowd”
- Funds can be promoted to a wide audience and then targeted effectively to ensure communities who most need the support get it
- Use of the digital platform/technology can reduce funding distribution costs
- Improved community and partner participation and engagement.
- Validation from the crowd of support for projects which in turn helps to prioritise applications.
- Linking projects to other suitable funds where available
- Can attract additional funding from other geographical areas
Another financial year and another pot of money, to help make a difference in our local community, is open to applications. Full details of this years scheme and how to apply can be found Cornwall Council’s Community Chest scheme. Priority will be given to organisations that have not previously received funds and to those affected by broader Cornwall Council budget cuts so please take this into account when wording your application.
Allocation Decisions for 2015/16
Bosavern Community Farm £700: £500 towards their programme of rural skills courses & £200 for a project to move the public entrance, for safety reasons
Penzance Youth Football Team £25 towards new kit – other Councillors made a larger contributions but as there is currently a local youngster with them I felt a small contribution was justified.
St Just & District Trust, Miner’s statue project £500 towards the citing of the statue at the entrance to Geevor and a contribution to setting up a memorial garden there.
The Centre of Pendeen, £100 to continue with their digital inclusion project. My contribution allows people on benefits to access the Internet for free. This works alongside money that DCH have contributed to help their residents.
St Just Sports Centre, £300 to allow a staff member to attend a spin bike course to expand this provision.
The Ark pre-school £140 for safety helmets for outdoor play on scooter and tricycles etc
Cornwall Air Ambulance £235 towards keeping the ambulance flying
Each Cornwall Councillor has been allocated a Cornwall Council Grants budget that they can allocate to small community projects in their local area. Grants of between £100 and £1,000 can be given.
What’s eligible?
Applications should focus on projects which deliver a clear and demonstrable benefit to the local community within the Councillor’s electoral division. Here are some examples:
- Improvements to a community centre or village hall
- Starting a local history group
- Setting up and publishing a new parish newsletter
- Projects involving the well being of older or younger people
- Planning and publishing village walks
- Purchase of play and exercise equipment for community use
- Local training schemes
- Childcare schemes
- Projects that help tackle unemployment and its impacts.
- Tourist information leaflets.
- Public events, festivals and exhibitions
- Additional winter Salt Bins (and refills) to be managed by local parish councils or residents associations
What’s not?
- Retrospective funding to fill funding gaps not identified before project commencement
- Salary or routine administration costs
- Political activities, lobbying or campaigning
- Exclusively religious activities (although faith groups may receive funding for community development or self-help activities. In this case the application must show that the project will bring wider community benefit and that the primary purpose of the activity is not religious)
- Projects which in the assessment of Cornwall Council show actual or potential unlawful discrimination within the terms of the Equality Act 2010
- Statutory activities/requirements
- Hospitality (catering and refreshment costs)
- Applications from individual commercial organisations
- Clothing/Uniform for the sole use of an individual
- Funding for national or regional projects
Full details of the criteria and grant application forms are available from Cornwall Council officer Kerri Kendall on 01736 336732 or email I would welcome applications from projects that have not received Cornwall Council Community Chest Grant funding before, projects that can use my support to obtain other sources of funding and those that benefit hard to reach groups.
I have a budget of £2,195 and I want the money to make a real difference to our community. Money for 14/15 is all committed.
Grant Allocations for 2014/15 (Some photos will be added as physical projects are underway/ complete)
£100 to Broomfield Animal Sanctuary to support their TB Vaccination campaign.
£200 to Penwith Radio to support their moving from the Internet to FM. Other Cornwall Councillors are also considering this application as it covers an area wider than St Just.
£1,000 to St Just Rugby club towards cost of flood defenses to protect club and wider community. A new patio will also be established.
£500 to Pendeen football club as a contribution towards a new storage facility for their ground maintenance equipment.
February 2015
The final £395 of my grant, for this year, goes to St Just Football club. The club plan to put the money towards upgrading the grandstand and changing facilities and repairing a collapsed section of wall. (Whole project estimated as costing £800)
Grant allocations for 2013/14:
St Just Allotment and Growers Association – £500 for materials to make tree bog toilets at Kenidjack. A community chest first!
Sue James attended the official opening on Sunday 18 May.
St Just Allotment and Growers Association Tree Bog was officially opened for business at their annual bar-b-q. Cllr Sue James, who contributed to the funding of the project from her Councillor’s Community Chest fund cut the tissue ribbon to officially declare it ‘open’.
Centre of Pendeen – £250 – to help fund a project to increase access to the Internet for people on benefits. I am optimistic that this can link with the Employment Skill pilot and make a difference to people looking for work.
West Penwith Elderly Person Contact Project – £50 towards tea parties and outings. Other Councillors have contributed to this from their fund.
I have given £500 to help fund a sensory garden at Cape Cornwall school for their new Kites base for children with special needs. Other Councillors have given £150; £100 from Cornelius Olivier, member for Penzance Central and £50 from Sue Nicholas who represents Marazion and Perranuthnoe.
Final For This Years Allocations in March 2013
£1,000 to St Just Sports Centre to repair the roof.
£500 to the Plen Project to provide some gates to the new building, helping to secure the project boundary and give a nice entrance to visitors.
£200 to Pengarth Day Centre, towards a new Combi Steamer Oven, to ensure they can continue to provide meals for the elderly.