Evidence of what voting according to beliefs might deliver in St Ives
Evidence of what voting according to beliefs might deliver in St Ives constituency On May 7 2015. Visit http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/2015guide/stives/ for a history, with numbers, for this seat. The past is the best predictor of the future so either Andrew George or the Tory candidate will be the M.P on Friday 8 May.
On the door step, the Green Party are trying to convince supporters that despite the ‘First Past The Post’ electoral system they should vote with their beliefs rather than to deliver the best outcome for the area. Well, will Andrew George or the Tory represent their beliefs most closely? Dream as they might there will not be a Green M.P here so voters in the polling booth need to think carefully who they will be punishing by not lending their vote to Andrew and whether having a Tory M.P will be good for their aspirations for the area or the environment generally?
Help ensure we keep our hard working & independent M.P who puts local people before party & knows how to get things done in Westminster. Vote Andrew George on Thursday.