St Ives Liberal Democrats appeal to you to make better happen, needs folk to volunteer and donate money as, sadly, running a General Election campaign takes money as well as passionate volunteers. An easy way for you to get involved is to contact me or our LibDem Office in Penzance. My contact details are onRead More »
Is COVID being used to interfere with Democracy? On the 22nd January, Lisa Smart, the Chair of the Liberal Democrats Federal Campaigns and Elections Committee wrote to regional and local chairs saying: “This afternoon we received a letter from the Tory constitution minister, saying that the Government is changing the rules to make political leafletingRead More »
Have your say on local parking in St Just & Pendeen is a feature of a leaflet going out around the area. Due to limited funds and too few deliverers, I might not get it through every door so a copy is here, in case you miss out. The leaflet also gives you the chance to helpRead More »