Tin CoaST Network News

Posted on: 14th March 2020


Well, what a busy, buzzing, wild and welcoming couple of weeks it’s been, with lots of new Tin CoaST Network faces, conversations, problem solving, idea sharing, storytelling and workshops galore.

Here’s a little taster of what’s coming up on the Tin Coast over the next few weeks. Starting with the next series of FREE workshops.

Tin Coast Communications and Social Media Workshop

Tuesday 24th March, 10am – 2pm, The Commercial, St Just

Packed with hints and tips for how local businesses can utilise tools such as Social Media and create stand out content to showcase the best of the Tin Coast’s environment, culture, heritage, food, events and experiences this workshop will also include a “Social Media Surgery” to support you through any issues or questions you have.

A networking lunch will also be provided. Please bring a smartphone or tablet for an interactive activity. This introduction to digital communications will be hosted by Cornwall 365, a creative consultancy which promotes Cornwall as a year-round, sustainable cultural destination.

We recommend reserving your place now:  Book here

Our Archaeology: The Stones, Bones and Stories Beneath Our Feet

Tuesday 31st March, 11am – 1pm

There is more to know underfoot than we can possibly imagine.

Light the fire of your own imagination and those of our visitors as we look at our landscape and hear of its prehistoric stories; we have shared this land for thousands of years and are part of its fabric. Come and learn how to tell those stories in a way that brings the bones back to life…

The workshop will be co-hosted by Laura from the Penwith Landscape Partnership and will feature a walk staring from the Volunteer Hub at Geevor Tin Mine, so make sure you bring sturdy shoes.

Bring your kids along for some Easter Holiday archaeological entertainment.

We recommend reserving a place: Book here

An Evening of Arts & Culture on the Tin Coast

Thursday 2nd April, 6pm – 8pm

A celebration of Cornish language, arts and culture on the Tin Coast, featuring presentations, entertainment and exhibitions from cultural producers. Come along to meet other businesses within the creative, heritage and tourism sectors and enjoy locally sourced food and drink. The workshop is hosted by Cornwall 365, a creative consultancy which promotes Cornwall as a year-round, sustainable cultural destination.

Following the event, we will be heading over to the  North Inn to continue our celebration of culture in true style with a quiz on all things Tin Coast.

Get your quiz teams at the ready, invite your friends and family and let’s fill the pub!!

We recommend reserving a placeBook here


All our workshops are FREE but definitely RSVP! It helps us know how many biscuits to bake.

These workshops have been put together in response to local businesses telling us what they think would be useful in helping them plan better for visitors coming to the Tin Coast in a way that supports the local economy but also respects the place.

“Being a part of these meetings is inspiring me to do more. Seeing us collaborate is wonderful, I come home and I keep thinking about what we have been talking about”. – Local B&B Owner

At all of these workshops you can expect lots of chatter and sharing of experiences and ideas, your own and from other businesses and community groups in the area. You will also hopefully find out something new, be it about this wonderful and distinctive place, sustainable business ideas, learning new ways to help you talk about your business to visitors and / or gathering up lots of local stories and insights that can help encourage visitors to delve deeper into this astonishing and uncommon place.

Reserve your place now, bring a friend and join other businesses who are making the most of all the Tin CoaST Network has to offer.

It’s not too late…

…to have your say on the new Visitor Charter that the Tin CoaST Network have been collaborating on, to help visitors connect better with our place, and make sure the impact they have on our place is a positive one. Head over to the CoaST forum (sign up for free if you haven’t already done so) and chip in to the live conversation HERE

Don’t forget…

…you can pop into St Just Miners’ Chapel from 1pm – 4pm every Thursday to chat to Beth and/or Jill about the Tin CoaST Network, and let us know your ideas on how the Coastal Communities Funding is spent to benefit the local area.

Also coming soon ..

An illustrated lecture about the Bal Maidens of St Just, accompanied by the Red River Singers
Saturday 21st March, 7pm – 9.30pm at St Just Miners’ Chapel