16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence 25 November to 10 December 2024.
The 16 days campaign, launched by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership, is an organising strategy for individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence against women. Running from 25th November to 10th December, the dates for the campaign were chosen to link violence against women and human rights.
The Cornwall Context
This is an annual international campaign that many communities, including Penzance, take part in to raise awareness of the impact of gender based violence, predominantly on women, girls and children. This year St Just Town Council are considering how we and our community can get involved as part of plans to broaden events across West Cornwall. Penzance Town Council has supported their community being involved for the last 4 years. See my post re last years events: Ending Violence Against Women
This year Cornwall Council’s Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence team are trying to pull together a big programme to include things from all over Cornwall. There may be a big installation of ‘shoes’ representing all the women (and children) killed this last year… there may also be some touring theatre pieces about coercive control.
Summary of Ideas St Just Town Council are Working On
- Information displays in Library and possibly doctors surgeries;
- Collection Tin in the Library for Women’s Aid during the 16 Days;
- Engaging with local pubs to join the Ask for Angela, safety scheme for women feeling vulnerable on a date or other situations;
- Bystander Training in St Just, to help those aware of someone struggling to reach out for help;
- St Just Parish group to join walk/ vigil on 25 November in Penzance – invite community groups to participate with us so we can have a visible St Just and Pendeen contingent, hopefully with flags/ banners.
Community groups wanting to get involved can let the Town Council know by emailing clerk@stjusttowncouncil.gov.uk or calling 01736 788412 then we can involve you in future planning. We are particularly keen for community groups to let us know they will attend the walk and vigil on the evening of 25 November but all other ideas welcome.