How much should Developers pay towards Cornwall’s Infrastructure
How much should Developers pay towards Cornwall’s Infrastructure?
Cornwall Council is asking residents, businesses and developers for their views on proposals to introduce a planning charge on new developments in Cornwall which can then be used to fund infrastructure projects such as new or safer road schemes, flood defences, new schools and health facilities, and improvements to parks and green spaces in local areas.
Introduced by the Government in 2010, the Community Infrastructure Levy, known as CIL, allows local councils, with a Local Plan, to levy a charge on developers carrying out new building projects to fund a range of infrastructure projects needed as a result of the development. The charges apply to retail development and all sizes of housing development and will be used to part replace funding collected through S106 agreements.
The CIL will be charged as a fixed tariff per square metre of new floor space created by developments. This will mean it will affect small as well as large developments. The level of the rate will be set by the Council in consultation with local communities and developers, and tested through an independent examination to ensure it will raise the level of funding needed to deliver the infrastructure without affecting the viability of the development.
“New development needs to be supported by physical, social and green infrastructure” said Edwina Hannaford, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning. “Almost all development has some impact on the need for infrastructure, services and amenities, or benefits from them, so it is only fair that such development pays a fair share of the costs
“It is also fair that those who benefit financially when planning permission is given, should share some of that gain with the community which granted it. By paying a contribution developers will help fund the infrastructure needed to support development and make development acceptable and sustainable.”
The Council has drawn up a Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and is now seeking views from residents, businesses and developers on the proposed rates set out in the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule. It proposes that local Town and Parish Councils will receive more if they have an adopted Neighbourhood plan.
Formal consultation runs until Tuesday, 14 February. People can give their views via an online survey or by completing a paper version at the local library or one stop shop, posted to the Council at Level 3B, Pydar House, Pydar Street, Truro TR1 1XU.
Feedback from this consultation will be used to inform and develop the Draft Charging Schedule which will then be subject to further consultation before it is submitted for independent examination towards the end of 2017.
If recommended for approval by the independent examiner, the Draft Charging Schedule will be considered by the full Council in 2018 for adoption. Once adopted the CIL charges will be applied to any new applicable developments that receive planning approval.