March for the Next Generation event in Penzance

Following the vote for Brexit, people who were unhappy with the divisive campaign, the anti-foreigner rhetoric and the lack of an exit plan, took to the streets of Penzance
March for the Next Generation event in Penzance was organised by Bill Mumford, Vice Chair of St Ives constituency LibDems and his wife and teenage son. The event took off through social media and grew too big for its original route through town. An estimated 400 people turned up on the day. Many of those in the 52% that voted leave, say to those of us in the 48% remain camp, that we should ‘get over it’ but that is hard to do when there is no plan.
Those that voted leave are not a group with a single idea of what leaving the EU means. Some admit to voting leave because they were cross with the Government or because they did not want David Cameron to think he had got a ‘good deal’ from his negotiations over the UK’s membership.
The only thing that’s clear is the future is uncertain. We do not know when negotiations to leave will start, how long they will take to complete, whether we are seeking free trade and if so whether we will therefore agree to the free flow of people. What EU laws will the Government replace with UK laws, which will they decide not to bother with? Will we still have to pay into the EU, will there be any extra money for the UK Government to spend? If there is extra money, will farmers, the NHS, Cornwall or other things get priority.

Ex MP Andrew George poses with Councillor Sue James and LibDem candidate for Penzance Town Council East Ward by-election – Penny Young, at the March for the Next Generation
To those who tell me, it’s democracy, get over it, I have this thought. If I convince the Government to allow Cornwall to have a referendum on having more powers devolved from Westminster to Cornwall and 48% vote no but 52% vote yes and then we are told this means Cornwall has an elected Mayor and Devon and Cornwall Police gets split so that Cornwall has its own Police force, both sets of voters might want to change their minds. Some of those voting ‘yes’ might say “but I didn’t vote for an elected Mayor for Cornwall” some of the “no” voters might like taking control of the Police but neither side were clear what they were voting for. So, is that really democratic or have some people been tricked or fooled?
My view is that once there is a negotiated consensus of what leave is going to look like, people ought to be able to vote on the facts of Brexit not rag bag of vague ideas of Brexit.