Cornwall Council is consulting on how Developers money should be spent
Cornwall Council is asking for views on how money raised from a new levy on commercial development should be used to pay for the facilities needed to help communities across Cornwall.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which will apply to planning applications that are approved from 1 January 2019, will raise over one million pounds a year from new housing and commercial developments to fund local infrastructure projects to help communities across Cornwall.
A ‘local share’ of the levy – between 15% and 25% – will be given to town or parish councils where the development happens so that the local council can use it in a way that best serves the needs of their local communities. How the remaining amount is spent is still to be decided so the Council is asking town and parish council’s, developers and residents for their views.
The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Bob Egerton, said: “This levy on new developments will sit alongside existing contributions that developers are required to make, and help to deliver infrastructure where it is most needed, which is not always in the immediate area of the development.
“The remainder of the money raised will be allocated to support projects across Cornwall and that’s why we are launching this consultation so that anyone but particularly town and parish councils, can give us their thoughts on the most appropriate method for deciding which projects should be supported with CIL monies. Consultation responses will be taken into consideration in a report to Cabinet later in the year which will make recommendations on how this should be done.”
The consultation is live on the Council’s website and will run until 23 September 2018.
A short film with more from Cllr Bob Egerton here.