Cancel Police and Crime Commissioner elections petition update
Cancel Police and Crime Commissioner elections petition update is that 320 have signed and the petition has risen to page 23 out of 286 pages of e-petitions on the Government website. When my goal is to get 100,000 signatures, to trigger a debate in Parliament, that may sound like poor progress BUT e-petitions are difficult to get moving. However, if I can get it to page 10 I believe it will get more casual viewings and signatures and will take off! To get to page 10, I need about 1,200 signatures and that is my goal for November, with your help and support.
My plea today is if you agree with the petition and have not signed then use the link on the right of this page to sign it. If you use social media share this blog post and the petition page with your supporters and followers. Write a letter to your local paper highlighting why you want to get rid of this role and tell people about the petition. Lets get this debated in Parliament!