Contact Sue James: 07745116049 |

Bosavern Community Farm

Bosavern Community Farm

Crops growing in poly tunnel at Bosavern Community Farm

Bosavern Community Farm seeks to grow vegetables and produce eggs without the use of added chemicals so in line with wholesome food production principles.

It is ambitious for a community agriculture project to take on such a large project at its inception but the opportunity to buy the local County Farm, from Cornwall Council, was too good an opportunity to miss.

The farm really needs more volunteers willing to get stuck in outside helping to plant and harvest the veg as well as look after the chicken and collect the eggs. There are also less physical activities making cakes and organising social and fund raising events as well as office duties and things to promote the farm. They are also looking for people to run a proper farm shop!

Don’t forget to support the farm by buying from them at local farmer’s markets or at the gate.

Find the latest at or ring 01736 788454 to find out how you can get involved. Drop in volunteer sessions are Tuesdays and Saturdays 1 till 5 p.m and Thursdays 10 a.m till 3 p.m.