A level students in St Just and Pendeen
A level students in St Just and Pendeen will be receiving their A level results today, along with many other young people around Cornwall and the Country. Many will have what they need to take their next step, others will be disappointed and upset. Some will not know what they want any way. Exam results are important but as a head is reported to have said to primary school children they do not tell everything about a child or young person! All those feeling a bit glum, should be encouraged to think of some of the other parts of their life, friends and family, part-time jobs, pets and think about what they mean to other people and what contribution they make locally. Perhaps they are good at sport or music or art or making people laugh or listening to others woes and fortunes.
So what next? Those without the grades need to be encouraged to take a little time to consider their options. Hopefully someone at their school or in their family might be able to help them see this is not the end of the world, just a new challenge and opportunity. Many people with great achievements did not pass or do well in A Levels. I didn’t get as far as taking ‘A’ levels but in later life, I went back to education and in my 40’s achieved a Masters in Business Administration but never went to Uni to do a degree!
Those with the ticket for University might be able to get help with work experience or a scholarship by visiting www.brightercornwall.org.uk . I hope those who got their results enjoy their success but remember their friends who did not.
Well done to all receiving A level results today no matter what the result. I’m sure they did their best in the circumstances of their life at this time!!