Emergency Grants Available to Groups, Large and Small

Posted on: 26th March 2020

Emergency funding pots are being made available for not-for-profit community based groups that are stepping up/ stepping in to help people during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some details.

Un-constituted Groups

Some of you will know that all Cornwall Councillors get a Community Chest pot. Normally that is for constituted groups only. These rules has been temporarily relaxed so, email me if you and your neighbours are involved in supporting vulnerable people and a little funding might make that easier/ better.

Email me at sue.james@cornwallcouncillors.org.uk

For Constituted Groups 

To help ensure these groups can continue to support vulnerable residents, Cornwall Council has contributed £100,000 to Cornwall Community Foundation’s (CCF) Cornwall Coronavirus Emergency Appeal.

The CCF has taken a lead role in providing crisis support, offering small grants of £500 – £3,000 to organisations in Cornwall, to cover the additional costs of supporting people during the coronavirus crisis.
Constituted Groups Funding

Members of the public can also donate to the emergency appeal by visiting:Donate

Do remember that Town and Parish Councils have grant making powers and many will be changing their priorities at this time. To apply, look at the local Council website in your area or contact the clerk.

Duchy Health Charity

At this very difficult time when your own charity is finding it hard to keep services running and funding from public support has all but disappeared we are able to give you an immediate financial help if you qualify for access to our funds and we have arranged how to speed up the grant application process for your emergency requests.

The following criteria will be applicable to judge applications, which can be requested by email.

  • Maximum we can give is a £10,000 grant
  • Local Cornish charities only (not national charities operating in Cornwall)
  • No significant sustainability concerns but we do still need to see your last set of accounts
  • You need to demonstrate how positive change can be made in health and social care in relation to Covid-19

You would not need to submit an application online, merely say briefly how the funds would be used, and the related outcomes.


Grants for Cornish based local charities demonstrating +ve changes in health and social care

National Sources for Charities

Charities Aid Foundation has launched a small grants scheme for smaller charitable organisations. It’s for grants of up to £10,000 for smaller organisations affected by the virus outbreak. Do feel free to share with colleagues if you think they’d find it useful.

The link with all the details is here:  https://www.cafonline.org/charities/grantmaking/caf-coronavirus-emergency-fund

Coronavirus funding resources

On 8 April the Government announced charities will be able to benefit from a £750m package designed to keep charities afloat during this crisis and support those offering front line services.  For more information, including as much as we know about how to claim, see the Cornwall VSF website.

Cornwall Council’s Coronavirus Funding Resources web page is a roundup of coronavirus funding resources and guidance for charities and community groups. Take a look and see what’s available for your organisation or group.