Councillor Sue James Chosen for new Penwith Local Family Partnership
Cornwall Council have set up 6 new Local Family Partnerships and the Leader has selected Cllr Sue James to sit on the Penwith one. The other 5 appointments of Councillors are below:
- Kerrier – Councillor M Thomas
- Carrick – Councillor Kirkham
- Restormel – Councillor Heyward
- Caradon – Councillor Frank
- North Cornwall – Councillor Rogerson
Local Family Partnership Terms of Reference
Each of the six localities will have a Local Family Partnership (LFP).
The purpose of the LFP is to:
- Improve outcomes for children, young people and families within the locality.
- Take a multi-agency/disciplinary role in overseeing the effectiveness of services, building on what is working well, identifying concerns and finding local solutions.
- Maintain a strong focus on community engagement and building community capacity.
Key objective – to identify on an ongoing basis for their locality:
- What is working well? Develop mechanisms for meaningful participation and engagement e.g. surveys, locality ‘gatherings’. With a strong emphasis on communities within the locality area.
- What are we worried about? Including the use of local needs and performance data.
- What would make a difference? What can we change? What can’t we change locally that we need wider support to change?
- The LFPs will establish arrangements for engagement with parents/carers and children/young people.
- There will be a process to involve the Area Heads of Service and/or Service Directors for those things the LFP are worried about that cannot be resolved locally.
Name | Role |
Local Education setting – Primary | |
Local Education setting – Secondary | |
Early Years | |
Police/community safety | |
Community education | |
Further education | |
Children’s Community Health Area Manager | |
Community Midwifery | |
Housing | |
Job Centre Plus | |
Local Member of Cornwall Council | |
Locality Manager (chair) | |
Community Development Worker | |
Community Link Officer | |
Voluntary Sector Forum |
- LFP members will represent the perspective of their organisational/professional background and contribute their specialist knowledge to the work of the LFP.
- LFP members are expected to disseminate information and key messages to their organisation, sector/profession.
- Up to 3 additional members can be co-opted onto the LFP at the discretion of the group.
The LFP is accountable to the One Vision Executive Group through the Service Director for the Children’s Health and Wellbeing service.
The LFP will meet formally on a quarterly basis, with additional ad-hoc meetings occurring when required, and will be chaired by the Locality Manager.
Where possible the agenda together with all relevant papers including the actions from the previous meeting will be circulated by email to all members five working days prior to the meeting.
Key actions will be recorded and circulated by the Project Co-ordinator ASAP after each meeting.
All members will be responsible for ensuring that any actions arising from decisions taken at the meeting where they are the responsible owner for the action will be completed within agreed timescales.
The Project Co-Ordinator along with the Locality Manager will coordinate preparation of the meeting agenda, seeking input from members on whether they require any agenda items. Members should submit any item they wish to be included on the agenda to the Project Co-Ordinator one week in advance of the meeting.