Cornwall’s COVID Resource Packs

Posted on: 16th November 2020

Cornwall’s COVID Resource Packs are just bursting with helpful, practical stuff for businesses, community groups and well, people who find themselves a bit stuck when told to self-isolate or wondering whether it’s ok to car share. Lots of posters! Several languages for the ‘people’ ones.

If car sharing, wear a mask – I am smiling!


Cornwall Council’s Public Health team has updated its three information packs aimed at helping people access support during the pandemic.

One is aimed at businesses (including charities and schools).
The second is for community groups (including town and parish councils).
The third is aimed at individuals and focuses on self-isolation, and the confusion and difficulties this may bring to many people. This pack has now been translated into Romanian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Polish and can be downloaded from the Healthy Cornwall website.

You’ll find all three packs plus other resources for employers and employees on the Healthy Cornwall website.