COVID Update and Ponderings
So, as infection rates in Cornwall reach very worrying levels and being ‘top’ of a National COVID league table is not a good thing, I’ve decided to give you an update (more factual stuff) and ponderings (real life family and friends stuff).
Cornwall, alongside Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and the Isles of Scilly, has been designated by the Government as an Enhanced Response Area as our number of positive Covid cases becomes the highest in the country.
The measures have been put in place to help stop the rising cases here and there will get extra support from the Government to help. Listen out for more announcements about these extra measures during the next week. Make sure you listen to local news or keep up to date on Council website.
I was 100% behind our St Just Town businesses that wanted to encourage the wearing of Facemasks inside their premises, including shops, when restrictions were lifted. To me it is a very minor inconvenience that at the very least reduces transmission of the virus and it makes me feel I am doing something rather than nothing. Having said that, I have been double vaccinated BUT, so had my daughter and her husband and both had the virus recently; whilst they were not seriously ill my daughter, a nurse, was off work for 2 weeks and it was not nice for them.
Others, in our families, amongst our friends and in our community will have decided not to get vaccinated. It is very easy to judge that those people are being very silly, even irresponsible, BUT whatever our views, they have made their own assessment and come to their own conclusions – their right, even if we do not agree! So, what experience of this can I share? Sadly, I have had a close family member in hospital for 10 days, very seriously ill with COVID and although they came home yesterday, they are not better. The family member is not old (in 40’s) but has had to be discharged with a care package and walking frame and cannot manage stairs. I really hope this is short term. If I’m honest I think it could have been avoided had vaccinations offered been taken up BUT they do have a complex medical history and made a judgement to take their chances with the virus, and having said that, has been taking all the precautions and did not regard the lifting of restrictions as ‘Freedom Day’.
So, I have family members both double jabbed and not vaccinated who have had COVID recently, here in Cornwall and further afield. Some will remember that right at the start of this pandemic my Uncle, aged 97 died of COVID and I could not attend his funeral, due to restrictions. I suspect we all have our stories and views.
At one level, I am doing more socially than I did at the earlier stages of the pandemic; I’ve been away to stay and meet up with friends and this weekend I’m heading off for the Cornwall Folk Festival (all outside and thankfully the weather seems ok). I’ll be honest, I am having some misgivings about booking the 2 nights away to go listen to music BUT, I will take a lateral flow test before I go and a couple of times after I return. As full time carer for my dad with dementia, I need a break but in equal measure I worry about giving the virus to him (also double vaccinated as I had to make the decision for him). I will continue to wear a mask when inside with others, keep my distance when having anything more than passing contact and although, up to now I have not been taking advantage of lateral flow tests, I’m thinking that might change now infection rates are so high.
I hope this blog helps at least one other reader reflect, ponder and stay a little bit safer…..