Committee changes at Cornwall Council
Committee changes at Cornwall Council are beginning to shake down after the reshuffle of the Cabinet. In changing the roles of portfolio holders, the Leader did not quite anticipate the implications for committees so it is changes all around! This has coincided with some constitutional changes so it feels that just as I was getting the hang of things, 2015 is going to bring a whole load of learning again. Still, it keeps the brain active!
For those who like all the constitutional stuff here are the details to digest: CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES AT CORNWALL COUNCIL Basically, instead of being committees to advise the Portfolio holder – Portfolio Advisory Committees (PAC) we are committees developing and scrutinising policy – Policy Advisory Committees (PAC).
I was on the Homes and Communities PAC, working with Cabinet member Geoff Brown. This has been split in 2 and it looks as if I will stick with the Homes bit and that committee is taking on responsibility for the Environment so becomes the Homes and Environment PAC. I attended my first meeting this week and discovered this included waste so I’m sure that will bring some interesting discussions and decisions!! This PAC will work with the new Cabinet member, Joyce Duffin so we are all learning together.
With me no longer being involved in communities, where community safety and the Police and Crime Panel link was, it made sense to review my involvement with that. Given that the panel seems to lack any real influence or power I have agreed to hand that over to another member of the LibDem group.
I am still vice chair of the Pensions committee and remain on the Health and Social Care scrutiny committee. I will also continue on the Board of DCH.