St Just Library: The case for a local solution
St Just Library: The case for a local solution rather than a one size fits all for Cornwall will be my argument on Friday, at County Hall. Following the consultation, officers are recommending putting the whole service out for tender, against the majority view in Cornwall and against St Just Town Council and the Friends of St Just Library’s wishes.
If you wish to read the reports that will come before the Communities PAC then following the link to the meeting on 17 Jul 2015 10.00 am

I know local people are passionate about our local library service and be clear, I will be putting strong arguments for a local solution, to the committee
I am not on the committee so do not have a vote but be very clear, I will have a say! I will publish the notes for my planned intervention on Thursday evening although they will not represent a planned speech because on the day, new information will come available and other people will contribute before me.
I do believe we can still get the right deal for St Just.