Posted on: 4th August 2018


St Just Library

St Just Library

We wish to ensure the continuation of the St Just library service in the existing premises, which is suitable and accessible and can be adapted for shared use with the Town Council.

We aim to:

  • Provide an integrated Library and Parish Information Service, led by paid staff supported by appropriately trained volunteers, and utilising modern technology
  • Provide an Information Hub open to all residents and visitors of the Parish of St Just and beyond, providing books, other media and IT services plus local information services
  • Involve the community through volunteering opportunities and events
  • Develop the service to better meet community aspirations for a modern Library and Parish Information Service
  • Enter into an agreement with Cornwall Council to ensure we meet the Library vision in a collaborative, effective and efficient partnership
  • Work with St Just Community Library (Friends Group) to organise one- off events to raise funds and to increase the use of the library as a Community Hub. These might include:
    • poetry readings
    • talks by local authors
    • talks on topics of local interest e.g. local history, wildlife, archaeology etc.
  • Seek opportunities to work in partnership with other organisations to expand the range of services offered for the benefit of residents and visitors, including promoting health and well-being in collaboration with health and social care and local tourist information in conjunction with the Tin Coast project.
St Just residents say 'we love St Just Library'

‘We love St Just Library’, say local residents at a meeting back in February 2014 – a long journey to secure our Library. Fingers crossed we can clinch the deal now!