Neighbourhood Planning for the Electoral Division of St Just is Go!

Posted on: 10th November 2017

Neighbourhood Planning for the Electoral Division of St Just is Go! A public meeting was held with over 150 people attending and 68 volunteering to get involved in some way, on the night!

St Just NP Public Mtg

Crowded WI Hall St Just finding out what a Neighbourhood Plan is and agreeing to get involved

The plan will not have to start with a completely blank sheet of paper because people have done good work in the past but we do have to involve all sections of the community and all ages and look ahead much more than back.

I share a link of a report produced in 2010 that assessed where housing should go in St Just and think it is a document well worth people involved today reading and thinking what they agree and disagree with. Much is being gathered on the needs of our community but again, there is fairly recent information from a small scale residents survey a few years ago.

2010 Consulation Report

Many people could not get to the meeting but the presentation from a local Cornwall Council Officer, James Hardy, has been shared with us so that anyone can have a look to discover what Neighbourhood Planning is all about. This will be hard work but it is our chance to design what our community looks like and make sure that housing is right for our oldest and youngest residents!

Neighbourhood Planning Explained

If anyone else wants to get involved or just keep updated then email St Just Town Council Clerk