Bring on a General Election for Real Change
Whilst many might say we have a new monarch, a new Prime Minister and a new Cabinet in charge of the country, I say bring on a General Election for real change. Having said that, locally I sincerely hope voters will wake up to the fact that having a Conservative M.P has done little for them and that our contribution to change can be by turning out in numbers to get Andrew George, as a Liberal Democrat, elected.

Andrew George, Cornwall Councillor and LibDem Parliamentary Candidate with a long history of speaking up to protect our NHS and Social Care Services. I’m helping him hold up the banner!
As a local party we are trying to increase and re-energise our volunteers and increase our campaigning funds. You can volunteer or donate by getting in touch with me or contacting the Local Office on 01736 335669.
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Well, who would have guessed that Prime Minister Liz Truss would not have lasted as long as a fresh lettuce! So, our new King has had 2 Prime Ministers in his short Reign of 2 months and the people have had no say in whether they wanted either of them!
I am working on a exhibition of local creatives works; so original framed paintings, limited edition prints, sculpted works, ceramics and probably high end jewellery, possibly local books and cards. I have Yew Tree Gallery booked over Easter fortnight. So, would you be prepared to put a work forward for sale, with 30% of the sale price (more if you wished), going to our Campaign funds? Email Sarah, at St Ives Liberal Democrats if you would like to be part of this –
We are also in the process of setting up a West Cornwall Creatives on-line shop so we are looking for works for that, primarily prints or lesser known artists willing to donate their work, with money raised going to the Campaign fund. Again, if you want to help, get in touch with the Office.
Obviously for the less creative amongst us, I hope you might support the cause by buying!! More news in the New Year.