Writing for Outreach in October

Posted on: 27th September 2023

Writing for Outreach in October, but as ever, the full on-line magazine is at: Writing for Outreach in October

As ever, I’m reporting things mainly after the event; or at least that will be the case by the time you read my words. I will try to give you useful Town Council news, including looking ahead in the diary a bit.

Our new Town Clerk, Sue Ninnis, has started with us but do bear with her as when you are reading this she will only just about have completed her 1st month. Although new to us, Sue is an experienced and fully qualified Town Clerk so we are expecting a smooth transition, once she becomes familiar with things down West.

Sadly I have to report we are down to 11 Town Councillors again, as Harvey Thomas resigned in August. There was no request for us to hold an election so we are back seeking applications from folk and will co-opt a replacement Town Councillor. If that interests you then, when you are reading this, you might just about be in time to apply (closing date 2 October). Go to the St Just Town Council website to discover more.

Mayor’s Sunday will have taken place, at Pendeen Church by the time Outreach is published. I very much want to make this about our children and young people and all the wonderful organisations, schools and groups that support them in our community. They are the future for our Parish and I for one want to hear their voices to make sure they can thrive and prosper as adults in our community. If too many of our young folk see their future away from our Parish, for whatever reason, it will change its character. Some areas in Cornwall and many further afield, have Youth Council’s that work alongside their Town Council (or local authority). This is an idea I have discussed a few times with younger people in our community. Whilst I generally get the feeling people like the idea, it has never progressed. Maybe it needs a working group, including leaders of our young people, alongside our young people, to explore and make it happen. The National Association of Local Councils has some good guidance if anyone reading this thinks “I’d like to get that going!” Guide to Establishing Youth Council (for those reading this on-line). I should add there is a Cornwall Youth Council but for me, their voices are not heard enough.

Looking ahead, St Just Feast is scheduled for Sunday 29 October, at St Just Church and of course many in our community will come together on Remembrance Sunday, a couple of weeks later. If you attend either event, then don’t be afraid to come and chat with me or any of the Town Councillors present, about the Youth Council or anything else locally that you have thoughts on how to improve or sustain.

As a Town Council we are trying to think more strategically in order that we can prioritise what we tackle and how, between now and the next elections in May 2025. That sounds a long way off but it will soon be here. Hopefully by the time you read this or certainly by later in October, something will appear on the Town Council website to see whether we have got things right. Also remember, if you are a community group, we do have funds you can apply for, to fund specific items or projects. We are particularly interested in projects that will reduce your energy consumption, enable you to generate and use green energy, help improve outdoor spaces for nature and humans alike. Bids for projects that fit with our Strategic Priorities will also be welcomed.

Turning briefly to Lands End Peninsula Community Land Trust, we now have a website so, do have a geek and see what we are up to and hope to do for our community; maybe you will want to get involved! Find us at Lands End Peninsula CLT Ltd

Next time I write we will be turning our attention to Christmas preparations and events …..where has time gone?!