What Housing might you and your family need over the next decade in St Just-in-Penwith Parish?
What Housing might you and your family need over the next decade in St Just-in-Penwith Parish?
Very soon, Cornwall Council will be asking residents of the St Just Parish to complete an on-line Housing Needs Survey. People will get a letter letting them know about it but it will be available for completion between 2nd September and 13th October 2019. If you struggle on-line then go along to St Just Library (it should be re-opening 3 September).
The survey is to find out the kind of housing, including affordable housing, that local people need, to help us develop the Neighbourhood Plan. We hear regularly from people not wanting any new development but this survey is to hear from and to think about what we would hope will be there for our families in the future. So, this is important for families with teenagers and young adults who might want to stay local when they leave home, for people who might want to down size or are planning for the future when they might be more frail.
Cornwall Council will collated and analyse what people say and put a report on the Council website no later than the 2nd November and make it available to those working on the Neighbourhood plan.