WANTED: Person Interested in Policing, Community Safety and Victims

Posted on: 28th June 2014

Wanted: Person interested in Policing, Community Safety and Victims, who lives in Cornwall or the Isles of Scilly and wants to join the Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Panel.

Recruitment is underway for an independent member for the Panel which is part of the policing arrangements for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Panel is made up of councillors from all councils in the area plus 2 Independent members with relevant experiences and skills.

The Panel maintains ‘checks and balances’ on the performance of the elected Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Hogg, meeting with him regularly.

The aim of the Police and Crime Commissioner is to cut crime, set local police and crime objectives, engage with the public and hold the Chief Constable to account.

This is an unpaid role but reasonable expenses will be paid. The closing date for applications is Friday 22 August 2014.

To request an Application Pack, please contact Joanne Tellam, Portfolio Advisory and Scrutiny Officer in Cornwall Council’s Democratic Services on 01872 323994 or Email joanne.tellam@cornwall.gov.uk.

Alternatively, visit the Police and Crime Panel website http://www.plymouth.gov.uk/homepage/communityandliving/csu/policecrimepanel.htm