Update Regarding International Dark Sky Designation For West Penwith
Update regarding our bid for an International Dark Sky Designation for West Penwith Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Dark Skies over Levant mine, taken by Duncan Scobie. Winning entry of an Outstanding Penwith at night photo competition run last year by Penwith Landscape Partnership, in support of this Designation bid.
The photo above demonstrates the wonderful Dark Skies above our heads in West Penwith and, for those wanting to see more, all competition entries can be viewed at Entries for the Outstanding Penwith at Night Photo Competition
For those that want to catch up on the back story to our bid, a couple of links here will help:
News Report of Earlier stage of bid process
Set back and change of direction to the bid
So, the aim is to submit a dossier of evidence, being put together by me and a Steering Group, to show that the skies above West Penwith Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty meet the standards to be declared an International Dark Sky Park and therefore gain it protection, through planning and local efforts. My hope is that I will have the evidence together by the end of March; that the committee will look positively on it and we might achieve the Designation during the summer of 2021.
If people want to know more, this pdf will tell you all about the designation and the standards we have to show we can achieve. IDSP-Guidelines-2018 Parks
We need to demonstrate that we are raising awareness about how important and special our Dark Skies are. So, through Mayes Creative we have an even planned; virtual from your home. This is part of the Campaign Protect Rural England’s (CPRE) annual star count, an Evening with Orion
You can take part in the annual star count by signing up direct with CPRE but so we get an idea of numbers triggered by the West Penwith Dark Skies bid, do email me if you are choosing this way. It will all be evidence of our efforts to engage, despite the pandemic. Annual Star Count
There are some Tin Coast and Mayes Creatives workshops and walks planned for 2021 but, there going ahead will be subject to pandemic restriction. Still worth a look and dreaming as all will have relevance to our Dark Skies and the West Penwith Landscape. Mayes Creative events
We hope to organise night walks, with some experts to point out the wildlife and stars above our heads. In the meantime, why not try out this walk to across Chapel Carn Brea, on a clear dry night? Chapel Carn Brea night walk
A local CPRE group have teamed up with the amazing educator Jo Richardson at Space Detectives to bring you a brilliant programme of free events which will take place throughout Star Count (6-14 February).
There are four online events for children and families (suitable for primary-aged kids) and four for adults and older children. And the events are open to everyone, wherever you live.
But places are limited, so click the button below to reserve your place today.
These exciting online sessions will delve into the wonders of the night sky, planets and the celestial objects that can be observed from our part of the world.
We’ll also learn about the impact of light pollution on our view of stars and planets, and how we can start to reduce it.
In our dark skies sessions, your little ones can become a ‘Dark Sky Ranger’ and understand just how important it is to look after and care for the night sky, not just for now but for future generations.
The online events are hosted by Jo Richardson, a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and one of the 10 UK Space Ambassadors working with the European Space Education Office.
As these are online events, you will only need to book one place per family. Book now to avoid disappointment!