The truth about Andrew George’s efforts to scrap the bedroom tax
The truth about Andrew George’s efforts to scrap the bedroom tax can be seen on a BBC programme, Inside the Commons, It portrays the difficulties he experienced in getting his Private Members Bill (to scrap the “Bedroom Tax” and support affordable homes) through Commons procedures. It shows how a small minority of (Tory) MPs were able to frustrate progress and defy the clear and expressed will of the majority of MPs in Parliament. Is this democracy?
Locally the Labour Party are pedaling a lie that Andrew abstained from a vote that could have got rid of the bedroom tax. It was in fact a procedural motion, put down by Labour M.Ps, that would have played no part in seeing the bedroom tax scrapped, anytime soon. What Andrew wanted M.Ps to get behind would have changed things now!
If you want to help Andrew George get re-elected then visit Andrew George MP – Liberal Democrats or ring the constituency office and ask for Rachel on 01736 350306. Locally we need people willing to give their time and money to ensure Andrew’s voice of experience continues to represent us. With tough choices ahead, this is no time to take a punt on a novice with an untested record on working hard for local people and getting things done in Parliament. DON’T RISK LEAVING IT TO OTHERS TO GET HIM RE-ELECTED – PLAY YOUR PART NO MATTER HOW SMALL THAT MIGHT BE!
For more on what Andrew George is involved with visit Andrew George |Andrew George