Topical Webinars for December 2020, Hosted by Andrew George
Given that COVID 19, the Pandemic, has dominated our lives and that deal or no deal, Brexit is due to be done, Andrew George is hosting topical Webinars for December 2020, with knowledgeable panellists. You need to register (links below) but both events are free.

The Government got its majority based on a promise to Get Brexit Done. Is it done as all that voted for it wanted/ expected?
Brexit done? 10th Dec 7.30pm –
Despite doing an exercise to test National Contingency Plans for managing a Pandemic, we learn that the Government ticked the exercise done box but no actions to prepare for what has faced us in 2020 was taken. Can we learn lessons more effectively now, to bring this Pandemic to an end?
Covid lessons 16th Dec 7.30pm –