Since I last wrote I have continued to attend briefing/ training sessions and begun to attend the committees I have been allocated to. A further development is that I have been allocated to be one of Cornwall’s representatives on the Police and Crime Panel and have attended the first meeting. The issues that are broughtRead More »
I have now completed my first month as your Cornwall Councillor. My time has been dominated by attending training and meeting key officers and many frustrating hours getting to grips with the Council IT system. Although we all know what a broad range of issues a Council is responsible for, it is not until youRead More »
Firstly, a big thank you to all those who took the trouble to put a cross by my name for the Cornwall Council election! I realise that about 48% decided it was not worth the trouble of voting for anyone so my goal, over the next 4 years, is to make more of you feelRead More »
A leap into the 21st Century! Well, people say that as a Councillor you have to blog. Come find me and tell me what you want to know and your ideas for St Just and the County.