St Just Town Council Proposal to buy Council Office
St Just Town Council Proposal to buy Council Office came to me out of the blue at their meeting on 20 February. Keep in mind that the Freehold of the Library building could be passed to the Town Council for £1 and that there are elections in May, I am staggered that this has even been considered at this point in time. I am even more surprised that the Council do not consider this significant enough to ask for public views and that they are going against the advice of their clerk/ Responsible Financial Officer.
Please read the 3 pages of their minutes that relate to this. They will not appear on the Town Council website until they are formally approved on Monday but, I felt the public needed their attention drawn to this. If the Town Council are proposing to spend £165,000 of local tax payers money, are the town council offices the building you would want to secure?
I am less concerned about the car parks etc as discussions on these have gone on for years but buying the Council Offices is new and I believe a decision on this should be with local public support and in the context of other buildings in St Just that the community might like to protect/ secure.
I stress, I am not a Town Councillor at the moment BUT I WILL STAND TO BE A TOWN COUNCILLOR ON 4 MAY 2017!