St Just Recreation Ground; What should its future look like?

Posted on: 30th August 2017

St Just Recreation Ground; What should its future look like? That might be the easy/ interesting/ exciting question but more critical, how will we fund it?

St Just Recreation Ground

Details of meeting about the future of St Just Recreation Ground

If you are willing to print and display a poster then this link will be a better quality: St Just Recreation Ground 17

Back last March, Cornwall Council did survey of local opinions on the future of the recreation ground. This was in recognition that it has become run down and a little tiered and to discover what aspects of the park are most important to people. My post on my website about the survey was widely shared on social media and we got a really good response. You can read the results of the survey here. An officer from the Council will come to the meeting to summarise the survey findings.

Although Cornwall Council has set aside £30,000 to invest in the recreation ground, that will be nowhere enough to do all that local people want. So, the challenge will be whether we, as a community want to get involved in finding funding. It would be great if one or more of the local community groups could send a representative to the meeting as a not-for-profit organisation will be ideal to apply for grants. I am optimistic the Mayor of St Just will join us and I am hopeful they will want to play a part.

So, whether a user of the park or a local organisation or even an individual passionate about helping locals access grant money, do come along. The meeting on 13th will be the beginning of a journey to transform our park for the 21st century.