St Just Library update
St Just Library update is that there has been the first meeting between the Friends of St Just Library, Officers of Cornwall Council and myself. There is much information to gather and negotiations to happen and it is not envisaged that the transfer can happen until April 2017 but everyone around the table is committed to making things work.
The meeting was attended by steering group members from the Friends of St Just Library group who revealed a range of backgrounds and skills to equip them for this journey. Also at the table were Officers from Cornwall Council’s Communities and Devolution team and a senior manager responsible for Library provision, in the Duchy. All have the same goal, to keep the Library open in St Just and improve what is on offer but it is recognised that this has to be with a significantly reduce financial contribution from Cornwall Council.
It is hoped that all parties can agree a brief press statement, very soon, so watch this space and hopefully a public meeting will be held once there are matters to report and discuss. The focus of talks at the moment are to test the viability of the Library and Tourist Information Centre remaining in the current building.