St Just Bus Shelter

Posted on: 6th June 2014

St Just bus shelter is a continuing saga but I hope that soon we will have it all ship shape!

I’m having some creative (or perhaps mad) thoughts about the future of our local bus shelter. With money being tight, the money to look after it is going to be difficult to find so we need to reduce the risk of damage and make it worthwhile to others to pay for its upkeep.

My thoughts are:

  • What if some dedicated local people took it on and decorated it lovely? Perhaps plants?
  • My other thought is whether a business or a group of businesses would be interested in looking after it and it becoming an advertising space for them?
  • Perhaps a combination of the 2?

Now the glass is mended and hopefully the light will be repaired very soon and I am trying to get the roof fixed. Would people think me mad, if when all sorted I held a public meeting in there, about its future? Surely between us we can find a creative future for the shelter which keeps it there to protect people from the St Just weather!

Text me on 07745116049 with your idea and whether you would come to a public meeting?

Look at these links for inspiration!