Some good news to start 2020, from Cornwall Council
Some good news to start 2020, from Cornwall Council with the potential to reduce carbon emission and fuel poverty, increase funding for local services and provide more jobs.
A rural Energy Innovation Zone (EIZ) to pilot a new regulatory approach to heating, transport and power
The Council is a step closer to creating an Energy Innovation Zone after the tender was awarded to the Carbon Trust, who will establish the pioneering EIZ in Cornwall.
The main focus will be to integrate proven low-carbon technologies across energy systems; develop the business models and market arrangements needed to support new approaches to clean energy; and overcome the regulatory and other barriers necessary for them to flourish.
The benefits include reduced emissions, bills and fuel poverty, and increased investment, exports and jobs.
The 100 per cent business rate retention pilot has been extended to 2021
Cornwall Council was successful in negotiating with Government to be one of only five regions in the UK to keep all of the business rates it raises. This power to pilot 100 per cent business rates retention has meant that around £6m of extra funding now stays in Cornwall each year.
With the announcement of the Spending Review, the Council’s second request was granted to have the 100% business rate retention extended to 2021. It was due to end in March.
Without this extended pilot, 50 per cent of Cornwall’s business rates would have been sent to Whitehall. Now we can continue to use this money to help us grow the local economy and manage funding pressures to focus on Council priorities and key services.