Residents survey results
Residents survey results have been published by Cornwall Council.
Cornwall’s residents said good health care and affordable housing were the most important factors in making somewhere a good place to live.
When it comes to what most needs improving locally, residents said road maintenance and wages.
Residents were also asked for their views on the way Cornwall Council runs things and what standard of service they received the last time they contacted it. The results are set out below.
Summary of results
84% of respondents said they were satisfied with their local area as a place to live.
By a margin of 2 to 1, residents were satisfied with the way Cornwall Council runs things (51% satisfied, 25% dissatisfied).
31% agreed that Cornwall Council provides value for money, 34% disagreed.
Half of respondents (50%) agreed the Council is standing up for Cornwall, 17% did not agree.
Just over a third (34%) agreed the Council is trustworthy, but 26% disagreed.
26% said the Council acts on the concerns of local residents but 37% disagreed.
24% said the Council is efficient and well run, 36% disagreed.
Around half (47%) felt the council keeps them informed about the services and benefits it provides, 53% did not feel well informed.
Residents were very well informed about how to pay bills (91%) and how to register to vote (89%); however they felt less well informed about other services such as how to complain (39%); how to get involved in decision making (26%) and what to do in the event of large scale emergency (21%
Respondents also felt less well informed about how the Council spends its money (36%); how the council is performing (31%) and what standard of service to expect (36%).
Local media, printed information from the council, word of mouth and the council website/internet were the most common ways of finding out about Council decisions and services.
Over half (55%) were satisfied with the service they received last time they made contact with the council, 27% were dissatisfied. Over half of those who were dissatisfied, highlighted poor communication as the reason, including lack of acknowledgement and poor response times.
61% said they preferred to contact the Council by telephone.
Three quarters (75%) said they use the internet; however there was low awareness amongst internet users of the Council’s on line services.
The full survey report is now on line at
Residents, council staff, local business and organisations and groups are very welcome to look through the findings and submit further comments and suggestions on what they think the Council should be doing to improve.