Report to St Just Town Council March 2017

Posted on: 20th March 2017

Report to St Just Town Council March 2017 is below. I’d be interested to know whether, I should continue to post these or not bother. So, if you use Facebook, click ‘like’ on the link to this post to show I should continue. If you do not use Facebook and came to this direct on my website then text “Yes – St Just” to 07745116049 if you want me to continue.

As the Health and Social Care Sustainability and Transformation Plan process continues Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee delivered a “not fit for purpose” verdict after taking extensive evidence. The full report will be available soon but the conclusion was:

“Therefore, as a result of our considerations, concerns and research and the compelling information provided to us, we conclude that the Outline Business Case was not fit for purpose as a public document although it met NHS England requirements.  The engagement process was poor and ill judged.

The Full Business Case must answer our concerns and have solid, clear, evidence for any proposals.

The role of scrutiny is as a critical friend, and we request that as the Full Business Case is drafted, interim reports are brought at relevant intervals. These reports should include financial information.” Full position statement: STP Subcommittee Position Statement Final (Amended 150317)

Last week I was honoured, as Vice Chair of Housing, to attend the “Cutting of the turf” event at Tolvaddon, with the Cabinet member for Housing to launch the Council building 38 new Council homes there. There will also be 3 self-build plots available. This will be part of the Council’s pilot to have homes constructed off-site and could result in a factory being built in Cornwall to help accelerate the programme of building homes for local people at a more affordable price but at higher specification.

I have also been involved in the Council’s programme to encourage young people to register to vote and then actually vote in the upcoming and future elections. I attended Cornwall College in Camborne last week and Helston Community College today. I was introduced as an “unusual Councillor” and whilst I waited with slight anxiety to hear why I was “unusual”, sadly it is because I am a woman and of working age as the majority of Councillors on Cornwall Council are men and most Councillors are over 65 years. The young people were interested but felt they did not know where to go to find out facts that would help them come to informed decisions. They did not feel Councillors or MPs made an effort to communicate with them in an interesting or relevant way. Something for all of us to think about if re-elected in May.

A reminder to you all about Cornwall Outdoors that are hosting an open day at Carnyorth Outdoor Activity Centre on Wednesday 5 April, between 10am and 4pm to engage with the local community. Visitors will have the opportunity to try out the climbing tower and to find out more about the various activities the centre has to offer. There will also be Face painting and refreshments, including homemade soup at lunchtime. There will be a small charge of £1 for under 18’s and £3 for adults to climb. All proceeds will go to St Julia’s Hospice and to support the Lafrowda festival. Volunteers from the groups benefiting will be helping on the day.

Regarding this Town Council’s aspirations for freehold purchases of both this Council building and the local toilets and car parks, I am told both matters are going before the Strategic Devolution Group of Cornwall Council tomorrow. As background, Cornwall Council has limited devolution resource and the team have been prioritising bigger devolution packages in bigger towns that produce larger savings. In a statement issued by the team last year, St Just was not in the early tranches for devolution but putting your aspirations before the Strategic Devolution group tomorrow could bring matters forward. However, I should stress that, if approved tomorrow to proceed, that is the start of processes in Cornwall Council, authorising the information packs to be produced to allow due diligence before final  transfer decisions to proceed are made. It is unlikely the detailed packs will be produced before elections in May.

Finally, I have been approached regarding the state of the St Just skate park and I am hoping officers can update me on potential Council funding available before I meet with the young people to discuss what fundraising plans they have. I am going to do that in the safe venue of the Outdoor Activity Centre on 5 April, as I understand they are under 18. I would be happy for a representative of this Council to join me. This will be an informal meeting to listen to the young people. Any action will likely be after elections in May.