Report for June 2013
Since the last meeting the administration has continued to form with committees being established and starting to meet. I have attended the first West Area Planning meeting and one of 2 days of planning training. In terms of my role as local member, in calling applications in to committee, I would draw to this council’s attention that I am required to provide planning reasons so it would be helpful if you can frame your views with that in mind.
I have also been allocated to the Homes and Communities Portfolio Advisory Committee and attended the first meeting of that which has a wide brief including responsibility for the Fire and Rescue service, community safety, housing, environmental health and cemeteries. I have also been allocated to the Pensions Committee and at the first meeting I was appointed as the Vice Chair so if you or anyone you know is in the Local Government Pension Scheme I will be doing my best to ensure the fund is managed appropriately over the next 4 years. The only other committee I am linked to is the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee, as a substitute.
Motor Bikes at Calartha Road, Pendeen
I am pleased to report, from Mawgan, a significant reduction in the use of the field which he is very relieved about but he still wants some kind of legal resolution so that the problem cannot re-emerge. Environmental Health are waiting for responses to their letters to establish legal ownership of the field and then they are satisfied they have sufficient evidence to issue a noise abatement order, based on the evidence Mawgan has already collected.
Dumping of Waste at Tregiffian
Basically, the Environment Agency have visited and have no concerns about the use of the site although the licence is up for renewal in July. In terms of the road, agreement has been reached with the operator to repair the road. I understand that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and clerk have also visited the site.
Recycling of Cardboard in St Just
I am now in contact with Rolf Neck, the Waste and Street Cleaning contracts manager and he is not happy with the way that Cory have been dealing with cardboard locally and is working to improve the situation. He will be checking regularly that the containers are not overflowing and that they are correctly labelled. All the containers that take magazines and papers can take cardboard and this was not clear. Whilst the abuse of the domestic bins, by a few local businesses, might be contributing to the problems, Rolf Neck has explained to me that Cory must empty them according to what is going in not according to what should be going in, to ensure householders are not disadvantaged.
Bus Shelters in St Just and Pendeen
Following the recent vandalism, again in St Just, I have asked that alternatives to glass be explored that will still protect people from the elements but will be less easily broken.
I have also reported the very dirty condition, due to algae, of the shelters in Pendeen. I also noticed that a panel there was broken although I cannot tell whether this was recent or not.
Portheras Cove
There are stepping stones back in place and the emergency phone is again working although further discussions are continuing regarding the need for new cabling and its funding, as I am told that the phone not working is a frequent problem. I have to say thank you to Delia Webb and the Friends of Portheras Cove group for keeping such a close eye on this area and taking such a pride in ensuring things are kept to a high standard.