Open day for local Charities at Carnyorth Activity Centre

Posted on: 28th March 2017

Open day for local Charities at Carnyorth Activity Centre during the Easter holidays.

Carnyorth Outdoor Activity Centre

Carnyorth Outdoor Activity Centre

Cornwall Outdoors are hosting an open day at Carnyorth Outdoor Activity Centre on Wednesday 5 April, between 10am and 4pm to engage with the local community.

Visitors will have the opportunity to try out the climbing tower and to find out more about the various activities the centre has to offer which include climbing, archery, canoeing and kayaking. The centre has recently introduced more active and adventurous activities to improve what it offers to young people.

Face painting and refreshments, such as soup, will also be available. There will be a small charge to climb of £1 for under 18’s and £3 for adults and all proceeds will go to St Julia’s Hospice and to support Lafrowda, the local arts and music festival. Volunteers from both groups will be helping on the day. 

Carnyorth Outdoor Activity Centre is situated between St Just and Pendeen in the old primary school building, and offers activities for both residential and day user groups as well as schools. The centre is managed by Cornwall Outdoors which sits within the Raising Aspirations team, of Cornwall Council. Within Cornwall the unit operates three residential centres and a standing camp. The service aims to raise achievement and aspirations in young people through adventure education and outdoor learning.

Andy Barclay, Senior Manager of the Raising Aspirations Team, said:  “We are re-branding Carnyorth as on outdoor education centre to embrace the wider range of activities we hope to offer to users of the centre. We plan to retain the best of the environmental programmes which the centre has always delivered but will also offer a range of adventure activities including climbing,  canoeing and kayaking in the first instance with further developments to follow.”

For further information about the event please contact Cornwall Outdoors by telephone 01872 326360 or email