New Cornwall Councillor Signing in

Posted on: 29th July 2013

Firstly, a big thank you to all those who took the trouble to put a cross by my name for the Cornwall Council election! I realise that about 48% decided it was not worth the trouble of voting for anyone so my goal, over the next 4 years, is to make more of you feel that voting is worthwhile. So, I hope, very much, that I can live up to the expectations, hopes and dreams of the 574 people who voted for me. What a responsibility/ challenge!

So what have I been doing since May 2? Well the 3 mid afternoon on the Friday. Then on Tuesday 7 acceptance papers and start the Induction process so I can begin to be useful to you. The Induction programme has a variety of sessions between now and July. One session has told me that voters like us to twitter and blog, which I do not do, but if you tell me I need to then I will give it a try!

The Countywide election result did not produce a political group or an Independent group majority to take control of the Council. For those who like detail, there are 36 Liberal Democrats (so this is where I fit in), 35 Independents, 31 Conservatives, (an early defection has altered this to 36 Independents and 30 Conservatives) 8 Labour, 6 UKIP, 4 Mebyon Kernow, 2 who have not stated their allegiances and last but not least, 1 Green. Interestingly, in terms of % of the vote, Conservatives got 24%, Liberal Democrats 23% and Independents 21%. I think the only conclusions possible to draw are that the people of Cornwall either want us all to play along together like adults or the people cannot decide who would be best at running things so those elected will have to work it out themselves! Well following days of behind the scenes discussions the most groups have now agreed to work together with Independents and Liberal Democrats taking most cabinet places.

By the time you read this, I will have attended my first Full Council Meeting and an Independent should have been elected the leader of the Council (I’ll let the editing team add in whether political protocols were followed and that was the result delivered). If you want to see the debates live then remember that there is webcasting for which I understand we have to sit in set places otherwise, when we speak, someone else’s name will pop up on screen – now that could be a good game for political children to play!

I want to make sure you can keep in touch with me and many of you will know that I regularly go to our local Farmers’ Markets. So to start off with, I will let you know when you can join me for a tea/coffee and a chat (I think they are meant to be surgeries but I don’t want you being misled into thinking I’m medically qualified). I will consider the social media options but I would still like to have an off-line life, and there is email For those of you who already make contact with me, this is a new email address so I can keep personal and councillor life organised (or at least less disorganised). So pop along and see the real, as opposed to the virtual me at the Legion in St Just on the 4th, 11th and 12th or for June only, Saturday 15th Saturdays between 11th and 12th the Centre of Pendeen. I will review this, and take into account your views, before the autumn.

Unless you tell me my reports are not worth the Outreach space, I will try to put something in each month.

Cllr Sue James