New Carers Service for Cornwall

Posted on: 22nd July 2016

New Carers Service for Cornwall is being launched by Cornwall Council. The service is an all age Carers service.

The service, which will provide support for all unpaid Carers of all ages, is being delivered jointly by Action for Children, working with Cornwall Rural Community Charity and Cornwall’s Family Information Service.

 “We recognise the key role played by carers in Cornwall and are committed to providing them with the support they need” said Angela Andrews, Cornwall Council’s Senior Commissioning Manager for  Education, Health and Social Care. “The aim of this new service is to provide a consistent high quality service which meets the needs of all our carers, regardless of the age of the person they are caring for.  We will be working with partners to provide carers with access to the integrated and personalised services they need to support them in their caring and help them to have a life of their own alongside their caring role.

 “We also want to improve the way we identify young carers and assess both their own and their family’s needs” said Angela Andrews. “The new service will support to children and young people with caring roles to ensure they enjoy life and achieve their potential and utilise the strength of families to reduce the number of young people that have to take on substantial caring roles.”

The Council anticipate that at least 8,000 Carers a year will receive one-to-one support from Carer Support Workers, with around 2,000 new Carers a year identified by the service.

The new service begins this month. There is a new freephone telephone number for the Carers Helpline – 0800 587 8191

The Carers Website is currently being finalised and sits on the Support in Cornwall web-site. This can be viewed at Care and Support