Moving On; Changing Gear
Moving on; changing gear as I look to 2024.

There will be many folk I do not get around to sending a Christmas Card to so, sorry but Merry Christmas and wishing you good things for 2024!
The lows of 2023 have been the death of friends, so my generation beginning to depart and that makes you think! All my parents generation, uncles, aunts are gone and when my cousin’s husband died, I thought sadly the next round of funerals are going to be cousins and close friends so time to live each day as my last. We also lost our dear spaniel who was a loyal friend for 14 years.
Wars and a Government that seems to have lost the ability to care for those most vulnerable in our communities also makes me sad. Just after those awful comments of Suella Braverman about those sleeping in tents making lifestyle choices I took part in the annual UK count of street homeless people. Very sad to talk with a 61 year old man, sleeping rough due to a no fault eviction where the Council’s only offer was a Travel Lodge in St Austell and yes, to stay in Penzance, his home town, he ‘chose’ to sleep rough but it was not the lifestyle he wanted at his age. Refusing that ‘offer’ will mean he is designated as making himself homeless and the Council will have no more duty to help him; he is on his own but thankfully the voluntary sector has a heart and Streetfood project ensure he has a hot meal each day.
Agreeing to take in a dog from Last Chance Hotel and to our surprise, a puppy has come to share our lives; he was 5 months old when he arrived.
The honour (and a little surprise) and being chosen as Mayor for a 3rd year. I might not have been born here but I worked out that I have lived longer in Cornwall than I have anywhere else in my life, even my childhood home of 15 years near Woking in Surrey.
Following my (younger) daughter’s travels across Europe with her husband for 3 months but even more joy when they returned home. Seeing my granddaughter, now aged 8 growing up. Oh and the arrival of those rescue ponies, through the Poppy and the Pitt Pony project that she (Chloe) absolutely loved so I think will be nagging my older daughter, her mum, to make more frequent trips to Cornwall.
Can you believe I will have been married for 47 years next year and I get to draw my State Pension. Keeping in mind what I said in my lows, we need to make more time to enjoy life; walks, maybe some holidays in places we want to return to; visit family and friends. BUT, as I hope for a spring general election, I will still be active in trying to help get Andrew George back as our M.P to be our voice in Parliament and to understand and care about those most in need in our community.
I hope some of you might lighten my load locally by getting involved in election campaigning, whether delivering leaflets, coming out to talk to folk with me or just encouraging friends, neighbours and family to vote, even if they never have before. If we do get a change of Government, I home there will be a change in attitude and tone towards those seeking asylum.
Many new Town Councillors are finding their feet and voice and I hope that at least some of them will stand for re-election in May 2025. I will not be standing then; I have done my best to represent your since November 2007 but I think it is time for others, and I hope younger folk, to step up.
Being very aware of the housing crisis, I hope we will be able to offer a home to a local family once some building work is complete and a 2 bed home is ready to be lived in!
Bless you all, wonderful people of St Just and Pendeen. Enjoy the last weeks of 2023 and make the most of the arrival 2024!