Liberal Democrats propose Council staff be paid the ‘proper’ Living Wage’
Liberal Democrats ensure Council staff paid the ‘proper’ Living Wage’. Although not on the Reputation and Performance committee, I went there Friday to argue for the Living Wage Foundations Living Wage to be re-established for staff. This is the motion moved by LibDem Doug Scrafton and passed almost unanimously.
RESOLVED to recommend to Cornwall Council that:
1. The May 2014 Local Collective Agreement is departed from so that the minimum salary for the Council’s Local Government Services employees should be increased to a minimum hourly rate of £8.25 backdated to 1 April 2016 (inclusive of the national pay award) in line with the Living Wage Foundation Living Wage, but that the May 2014 Local Collective Agreement is not otherwise varied.
2. Should the Living Wage Foundation Living Wage increase be above 3% when next published, that the financial impact of applying this to the Council’s pay system from 1 April 2017 should be reported to full Council for a decision on whether this position should be supported.
3. In consultation with trade unions and other interested parties, a root and branch review of the Council’s grading and pay structures be launched as soon as it can take account of the results of the governance review. The aim of such a review, which should report at the earliest practicable opportunity, should be to simplify where possible the current structure, while putting the Council in the best possible position to remain a living wage employer at the same time as preserving differentials and necessary incentives.
Glad we did the right thing! Now just have to get it through Full Council Tuesday. Fingers crossed!
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It got through Full Council! We are now going to pay the Living Wage Foundation Living wage to all directly employed Council staff. I would like us to sign up to work towards accreditation with the Living Wage Foundation thus bringing this wage to more low paid worker but that might take me being re-elected in 2017, to win that battle!