How will Cornwall deal with Health budget debt?

Posted on: 20th September 2016

How will Cornwall deal with Health budget debt? I have been pushing for the Sustainability and Transformation plan, between local Health chiefs and Government to be made public and it is on a Council Agenda next week. I suspect a copy will not be in the room but it looks as if Councillors might get to be on a sub-committee to have a look!

The meeting agenda is below and it is open to the public so feel free to come along. There are rules on public questions which you will find through the link but questions have to be submitted by 22nd. Full papers are available through link Meeting Papers

Agenda for Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday, 27th September, 2016, 10.00 am

Meeting venue: Trelawny Room, County Hall, Truro, TR1 3AY

No. Item

1 Apologies for Absence

2 Declarations of Interest

3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting – 26 July 2016

4 Public Questions and Statements

5 Questions from Members to the Portfolio Holder for Adult Care

6 Questions from Members for the Portfolio Holder for Young People

7 Oral Update from the Portfolio Holders

8 NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group Legal Direction

9 Temporary Closure of Edward Hain Community Hospital In-Patient Facilities

10 NHS England Briefing – Primary Care Access

11 Child and Adolescent Mental Health

12 Child Sexual Exploitation – A Response from the Local Safeguarding Children Board

13 Sustainability and Transformation Plan

13.1 Proposal for Sustainability and Transformation Plan Sub Committee

13.2 Sustainability and Transformation Plan Update

14 Exclusion of the Press and Public

15 Sustainability and Transformation Plan

16 Care At Home Commissioning

17 Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers to be of Urgency

I fear our Health Service, up and down the Country will look VERY different after all these plans and what we need is investment and sadly, love them or loathe them, this means increased taxes!