Help with Debt, Food and Housing
This is a time of year when many people on low wages or benefits find that the money just will not stretch. I worry that people are very proud and reluctant to ask for help until the problem becomes a big one. Ask early, is the best advice I can give.
If council tax changes have put you behind then there is a fund you can apply to so just contact Cornwall Council tax staff and ask for the ‘Exceptional Relief and Transitional Support fund’ application form (you can download it on-line).
The CAB are helpful with debt and eviction threats and can be contacted on 0844 499 4188. Shelter have also asked me to bring your attention to the help they can give if you need housing advice or are getting behind with rent and their details are or telephone 0808 800 4444.
Remember too the local foodbank. Local schools, playgroups and doctors surgeries hold the vouchers and if getting to Penzance is too difficult there are local volunteers willing to bring it to your door.