Have Your Say on the Management of Cornwall’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Have your say on the management of Cornwall’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Once this document is finalised it will become a planning document so will have an impact on what can and cannot be built as well as shaping how money is invested to conserve and protect these landscapes.
Online Survey for comments is now live. Closing date for comments is Midday on Monday 21st March 2016
The Public Consultation Draft is now available for comment via an online survey. You will need to refer to the Draft Plan when answering the questions, but links to the relevant sections are also provided next to each of the questions in the survey.
Comments on the Strategy section, Policies and the 12 Local Sections are invited. In addition to the Full Draft Plan document on the website, there are also separate PDFs for the individual sections on the website which will help if you only wish to comment on certain sections. People do not have to answer all of the questions but are encouraged to complete as many as they wish.