Have Your Say on Cornwall’s Future Services, Places & How We Work Together
Cornwall Council has several consultations open at the moment and more to come. This is really your chance to shape how you want Cornwall to be so it is important the Council hears from a broad range of folk, in terms of ages, income and views of the world. I’m highlighting some key, fundamental ones but have a screenshot and link part way through the post, that will take you to all of them.
Climate Change Planning document – Have Your Say

This is an ongoing survey and we want to be the biggest response in the history of the Council – link below
Say how you want Cornwall to be in the future
And now a coming soon consultation, regarding how we meet Special Educational Needs (SEN).
The 2020 survey was due to start in April but was postponed due to Covid-19. It will now be run throughout October and November 2020.
Cornwall Council will run an online survey and will repeat some of the 2018 questions to give direct data comparisons and have new areas of focus too. Questions will also reflect the Parent Carers Cornwall December 2019 survey with the aim of reaching a wider group of people. Survey arrangements are always developed in conjunction with Parent Carer Cornwall to ensure co-production with parents.
Separate engagement sessions will be facilitated with children and young people during the Autumn term, building upon the successful 2018 sessions to find out ‘what’s working’, ‘what helps ‘and ‘what gets in the way’. A range of professionals, across Cornwall Council’s SEN Services, and schools are developing a number of different approaches for the engagement sessions to increase accessibility and participation. There will be a particular focus on ensuring those children and young people with profound and multiple needs can understand, access and respond to the survey. Some sessions will be directly facilitated by Council staff but there is also the opportunity for schools and colleges to use an engagement pack.
This time there is also a new development. The Council plan to run an art engagement celebration for children and young people with special educational needs. The two themes for them to respond to are: “Change I want for my future” “What’s good for me now?”
The art engagement will start during the summer break and run through to the end of the on-line survey period. It will also be promoted within schools and settings in September. Children and young people can respond to the themes in any way they wish: poems, stories, paintings, digital art, drawings, films, podcasts, music, sculpture, dance etc etc. This will culminate in an art exhibition at the end of the survey period in December, with plans underway for an online exhibition. It will provide children and young people with SEN a chance to be heard, seen and celebrated and to communicate their thoughts and feelings in a creative and expressive way, not limited by traditional forms of communication.
So, as schools return in Spetember, listen and look out for how to engage with providing for our young folk with special educational needs, today and tomorrow.