Have you say on whether you want a Devon, Cornwall & Dorset Police Forces to merge
Have you say on whether you want a Devon, Cornwall & Dorset Police Forces to merge as Alison Hernandez, our Police and Crime Commissioner, says she will not agree to the merger, if the public do not want it. I gather she will be meeting with elected people and the general public, over the summer to explain what a merger with Dorset Police might offer Cornwall so look out for the dates. In the meantime there is a on-line survey.
Follow the link to find out more about the Police Merger proposals and have your say
For a limited time you can watch the webcast of a briefing from the Chief and Assistant Chief Constables to Cornwall Councillors, on the proposed merger. There is also a question and answer session. On Tuesday there will be a debate at Full Council and I am putting a link to the paper that will be debated there but that meeting too will be webcast if you want to view it for yourself.
Briefing webcast re merger of the Police
Council paper re Police Merger with proposed recommendations to Full Council
But here are the recommendations going to Full Council re the Merger with Dorset Police (Full paper in the above link)
Recommendation that
(i) The Council confirms its response to the consultation that, subject to the inclusion of the conditions set out in paragraph 3.3 being included in the final business case, it is minded to support the further development of the business case relating to the proposed merger of the Devon & Cornwall Police with Dorset Police; and
(ii) In accordance with the Council’s decision at (i) above, the final response of the Council to the consultation and the business case be delegated to the Strategic Director for Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Protection and the Cornwall Members of the Police and Crime Panel.