Government bans exclusivity clauses in zero-hour contracts

Posted on: 31st May 2015

Government bans exclusivity clauses in zero-hour contracts but let us be clear that the current Tory Government should not be given credit for this, it was Liberal Democrat Vince Cable that introduced this, in the last Government!

So, what does this mean? Anyone who has a zero hours contract can have other jobs with hours or be on the books of many companies offering zero hours contracts. Workers can be available to a number of companies and take work from the one offering the best conditions on the day and not sit back just hoping the one company might ring them. This tilts the balance, very slightly, back in favour of the employee, in jobs where the employer says they cannot guarantee their staff work for a set number of hours each week.

Here is the story: Government bans exclusivity clauses in zero-hour contracts

Below is a Tweet from our local, newly elected Tory MP seeking credit for this positive news. Good job we know the truth that it was good old Vince Cable!

Derek Thomas (@DerekThomasMP)
Employers are now banned from including exclusivity clauses in zero-hours contracts. People on these contracts are free to do other work.