Does the Police and Crime Commissioner give you Value for Money?

Posted on: 22nd December 2013

A letter in the Cornishman last week was asking what benefit we have gained from having the elected post of Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner?

I read it before setting off to a Police and Crime Panel meeting where I get the opportunity to scrutinise what he and his office are doing.

I have responded to the letter and, although the Police and Crime Commissioner would like me to become his ‘champion’ I still struggle to see why we need the role in the first place. I never came across anyone saying “the problem with the Police is that there is no democratically elected person in-charge!”

If you want to see what happened when we asked him questions over the cost of his office then go to where you can watch the webcast. Got to be as good as all the repeats over Christmas!

Hopefully the Cornishman will print my letter next week.