Devon and Cornwall Police Front Desk Closures

Posted on: 15th July 2014

Devon and Cornwall Police Front Desk Closures will be scrutinised by the Police and Crime Panel on 17 October 2014 at Plymouth City Council Civic Centre. Below is a letter from the Panel Chair showing that members of the public are invited to submit evidence to the meeting. Cllr Sue James, the only Panel member from West Cornwall, would like to hear your views through a simple survey. The letter below shows how you can give evidence direct to the Panel but Sue asks that you copy her in to any submissions to , especially if this relates to the closure of the front desk in Penzance.

Let Sue know what you think about the planned closure of Penzance’s police enquiry desk here.

“DearPolice and Crime Panel Members

As agreed at the Police and Crime Panel meeting on 20th June 2014, our first ‘reactive’ scrutiny item will be “The Police and Crime Commissioner’s joint announcement with the Chief Constable in respect of Devon and Cornwall Police Public Contact Strategy – Station Enquiry Rationalisation” – this is taking place as part of our next scheduled Panel meeting on 17 October 2014.

I met with the Vice Chair and the Lead Officer for the Host Authority yesterday to start scoping our approach, along with considering what evidence/information we would need in order to help members effectively scrutinise this topic. We agreed that it would be useful to start adopting a more ‘select committee’ style format, and include getting a flavour for ourselves of how the communities, in the areas affected by the proposed changes to opening times and/or closures, actually feel about the proposals.

We thought that Panel Members could assist with this evidence gathering by communicating directly with residents in the areas affected, and seeking written ‘quotes/statements’ that could be included, with their agreement, to inform the scrutiny.

I would be more than happy if you wish to forward this request to other Councillors in your respective authorities in order to achieve this.

Depending on the number of responses received, we will either use some, or all, of these or consider combining/summarising the feedback, as part of a pack of information and evidence that will support the scrutiny process.

If you are happy to assist with this, could I ask that you please forward any quotes/statements by email direct to Sarah Hopkins,, by not later than Friday 26 September 2014.

Kind regards,

Roger Croad,
Chair of Police and Crime Panel”