Delivered to your door – shop local, stay safe residents of St Just & Pendeen Area

Posted on: 17th March 2020

SAFE LOCAL SHOPPING AND EATING IS EXPANDING & CHANGING ALL THE TIME so, the best advice is always ring and check or take the occasional evening wander around our communities to check who is doing what how!

It is still very possible to get stuff delivered from local shops or to order and collect. The same goes for take away food that many of our pubs, cafes etc are continuing to do, even if allowing folks inside now.

You can support our local businesses, buy local food and get it delivered to your door!

My advice, when going in to shops is wear a face covering. Even if you set out to keep your 2m safe social distancing, other may not.

Do be alert for traffic as whilst we are encouraging drivers to go more slowly, not all will. Take extra care if having to step into the road to queue or socially distance when passing people.